This page explains how i gather and process the data displayed in the charts.
The DeFi Index data is sourced from TradingView (chart ID: GsKbLgSZ) using monthly closing candle values. This represents the historical market performance during the DeFi boom period from April 2020 to April 2021.
Source: TradingView Chart
The AI Index data is sourced from, tracking the current market trends in the AI sector. The values represent monthly market performance starting from 2024.
All values are represented in billions of USD ($B) and are based on monthly closing values to ensure consistency across both indices. This methodology was chosen to provide the most accurate and comparable view of market trends between these two significant periods in the crypto market.
Disclaimer: The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. Market data can be volatile and past performance does not guarantee future results.